Tips To Sharpen Memory During Competitive Exam Preparation

railway exam

Is it becoming really a strenuous job for you to memorize the concepts till the exam date? Do you often forget what you have studied? If yes, then there is a need to boost your memory. Note that not everybody is born with a great intellect. Not everyone has the ability to remember everything all at once. This skill is developed with laborious efforts and constant practice. 

Therefore, if you are also looking for tips that can help you sharpen your memory so that you can grasp every concept with ease, we have jotted down some miraculous tips for you. Believe us, these tips will intensify your brain power and productivity as well. Moreover, concentration ability, which is vital to do every task perfectly, will also be enhanced with these tips. However, if you want to attain guidance from a trainer to amp up your competitive exam preparation, you can find a verified coaching institute on searchindia co

Here are some memory booster tips that will help you prepare excellently for the competitive exam: 

  • Maintain a healthy diet

Someone has rightly said that wholesome and healthy food is fuel to a healthy mind and healthy body. So, it is really imperative to follow a healthy diet chart throughout the exam preparation journey. With a healthy diet, you will feel active and energetic for the entire day which will help you give complete attention to the concepts. Hence, you will find it extremely easy to grasp concepts all at once. Some of the healthy food options are eggs, soya, fresh vegetables, juicy fruits, cereals, oats and berries. Well, just the consumption of healthy food is not enough, you have to eliminate the consumption of unhealthy and junk food as well. For instance, if you are in a habit of drinking caffeine beverages and eating oily and unhygienic food, make sure to avoid them completely. This is how you can keep yourself healthy for the entire preparation journey and later as well. 

  • Say no to social media 

A survey held in 2018 stated that the main reason for lower brain power is the excess usage of mobile phones. Nowadays, students are so much addicted to their mobile phones. They are every time seen with phones in their hands. The hazardous rays coming from phones impact their memory power and concentration ability. Therefore, they must avoid the usage of social media at least till the exam date. The less you use your mobile phone, the more active you will feel and easily gasp and retain concepts with a focused mind. 

  • Take a power nap 

Sometimes, sleep or sluggishness will make it really hard for you to concentrate on your concepts. This will slow down the speed of grasping concepts. In this case, it is better to leave everything aside and take a quick power nap. The major benefit of a power nap is that it will recharge your body and boost your energy, concentration ability and memory power. However, if this nap went into 2-3 hours of sleep, you will feel even more tired instead of feeling energetic and vibrant. So, always remember to set an alarm because just 15-20 minutes of nap is ideal to feel dynamic. 

  • Do what suits you 

If you convince yourself to do that doesn’t suit you it will lower your productivity and make everything strenuous for you. For sentence, if the morning hours are best for you to have a productive study session but you start following your friend’s routine and start studying till late at night, you won’t be able to understand anything. Therefore, observe yourself and keep a check on what works for you and what notes. Then, make a strategy that will suit you the most. When you follow a preparation strategy that isn’t harsh on you and highly suitable for you, you can learn each ad every concept efficiently. 

  • Do regular workout

You will only be able to grasp the concepts energetically if you feel energetic from the inside out. So, you need to maintain your physical and mental health to enhance your retention and grasping ability. Therefore, make sure to do regular workouts to ameliorate the blood flow in your body and brain cells. You can start with some simple exercises such as stretching, push-ups, and even a simple walk or jog. This will make your brain active and ready to grasp a number of crucial concepts. 

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Wrapping up: 

To wrap up, these are some essential tips that will help you sharpen your memory so that you can easily grasp and retain concepts in the desired time. So, follow these steps to boost your exam preparation journey and performance.


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